Exhibition / Yane Calovski and Hristina Ivanoska / Dialogue (A Form of an Answer)

Curator of the exhibition: Branka Benčić Organized by Tihomir Milovac, Museum of Contemporary Art, and Vanja Žanko, Nomad. Produced by Museum of Contemporary Art and Nomad. Supported by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, City of Zagreb, and City of Skopje. Partners: Apoteka – Space for Contemporary Art


MUZEJ NA ZENSKI PRIKAZNI_kniga MUSEUM OF WOMEN STORIES,  ed. Iskra Gesoska, Violeta Kacakova and Biljana Tanurovska Kulavkovski, texts by Rubinco Belceski, Anastas Vangeli, Iskra Gesoska, Hristina Ivanoska, Ilina Jakimovska, Goran Janev, Aleksandar Litovski, Elena Marcevska, Violeta Kacakova and Biljana Tanurovska Kulavkovski; Lokomotiva – Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and

Exhibition / Yane Calovski and Hristina Ivanoska / Prologue (A Form of a Question)

Apoteka – Space for Contemporary Art, Vodnjan, Croatia (27.09. – 20.10.2017) Curated by Branka Benčić Photo© Matija Debeljuh and Yane Calovski The exhibition by Yane Calovski and Hristina Ivanoska at Apoteka – Space for Contemporary Art in Vodnjan, Prologue (A Form of a Question) is a first part of a

56. Venice Biennial / Yane Calovski and Hristina Ivanoska / We are all in this alone / Pavilion of the Republic of Macedonia

Hristina Ivanoska and Yane Calovski’s collaborative project We are all in this alone represented the Republic of Macedonia at the 56th Venice Biennale. Curated by Başak Şenova, the first foreign curator appointed to the Pavilion of the Republic of Macedonia, the project was commissioned by the deputy curator Maja Cankulovska Mihajlovska of the National Gallery of Macedonia and supported by the Ministry

Book / Yane Calovski and Hristina Ivanoska, WE ARE ALL IN THIS ALONE, 56. Venice Biennale, Pavilion of the Republic of Macedonia

BOOK_We are all in this alone_low WE ARE ALL IN THIS ALONE, Pavilion of the Republic of Macedonia, 56th Venice Biennale, curated by Basak Senova, commissioner National Gallery of Macedonia, 2015, texts by Basak Senova, Elke Krasny, Sebastian Cichocki, Dirk Teuber, Branko Franceschi, Omar Kholeif, Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger, Slavcho Dimitrov, Jalal